Laser Hair Removal

Not happy with shaving, tweezing or waxing to remove unwanted hair? Laser hair removal may be an option worth considering. It is one of the most commonly done cosmetic procedures, where the beams are highly concentrated into the hair follicles. These kind of lasers are useful for removing unwanted hair from the face, leg, chin, back, arms, underarms and bikini line areas.

No. of treatments required
The regrowth of the hair is much lighter and finer where it requires around 6-8 times of the treatment.

Effective results
From the very first treatment you can feel the clensity and the thickness of the hair reduction.

Benefits of the treatment
It’s a very fast and relative painless procedure which is reliable and sophisticated method of laser hair reduction.

This treatment is somewhat like the snapping of a rubber band. The sapphire chill tip in the laser makes the treatment quite comfortable.


For this treatment price starts from LKR 20,000 and depend on the skin of patient.

What you get ?

From this procedure you can get the 3 experience such as precise where the laser can selectively target the dark coarse of the skin leaving the skin undamaged. Predictability after an average of three to seven session most of the patients can experience the hair loss. Speed every pulse of the laser taking a fraction of a second treating many hairs at the same time.


your skin

Common concerns we treat with a range of affordable and effective non-surgical treatments that work.